Daily Devotion 8/26/20
Date: August 26, 2020 Speaker:
This week’s daily devotions will be from Jonah. Click the link below to read chapter 2. As you read, think about these 5 questions:
1. Verse 1- How might a prayer “from the belly” be different from other prayers?
2. Verse 2,3- No matter how “deep” in trouble we find ourselves, what can we learn about God from these 2 verses?
3. Verses 4- When we feel “cast out” and hopeless, where can we look for hope?
4. Verse 8- Jonah had placed his own will above God’s, making an idol of his own desires. What has Jonah learned about trusting idols over God’s will?
5. Verse 10- what is the result of Jonah’s decision to repent and do God’s will?
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